Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It is always nice to see a revival of toys/items popular in the 70s so that we can reminisce over it and have the smug parental satisfaction of letting Kai know that his parents are really cool since "mummy/papa used to play with this when we were young". The latest find is Kalkitos.

I don't know how many would remember Kalkitos (or even know about it). But both Terence and I played with it when we were kids, using pencils to transfer dry-transferables containing cartoon images from plastic sheets using pencils onto a scenario printed on cardboard. We don't remember that it was called Kalkitos then though.

Kai liked it quite a bit when he started, but he lost interest after a while. Maybe he's too young for Kalkitos or perhaps in the advent of iPhone/iPad apps, computer games, and cable TV, Kalkitos has lost its charm among the young?

Where to buy:
A girlfriend found them at the Singapore Art Museum and Woods in the Books. But you can also buy them online at www.kalkitos.sg. On the Kalkitos web site, you can also find a list of retailers in other parts of the world, including Malaysia. It costs S$8.90 each.

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