Tuesday, April 07, 2009

La Mer

Terence and I love nature, and we would prefer to get out of the city (any city) ASAP when we go on holiday.

For our wedding anniversary in February, Terence brought me to Angsana Bintan which is essentially a beach resort. I really needed a break and as usual, he did all the planning. :)

I don't know how the tiny crabs make the swirl patterns^ and sand baubles that we see on the beach. But they are really pretty.

There were plenty of hermit crabs^ to catch on the beach too. So take your pick.

Walk along the beach at low tide and you'd be surprised at what you can find. Sometimes I see objects^ that make me wish for access to Google there and then.


Jorina said...

We had a great time there! Ian loved to grab a handful of sand and drop it on whatever hermit crabs he could find. The waves were quite strong, making it really fun to sit on the sand and get splashed. I held Ian and told him we were on a "water slide" and he loved that too. Check out my facebook pix!
You must bring Kai there one day. :) Get a one-bedroom suite!

Growing Up said...

I thought the beach at Bintan was so much better than the one we were at in Langkawi, which was a surprise. But the waves were not as strong, and we could all swim in the sea!

We actually wanted to bring Kai to Angsana on the same weekend you were there, but everything was booked! We're going to go with your recommendation to get a one-bedroom suite the next time cos I can't imagine eating at their restaurants all the time.

Jorina said...

a tip before I forget to tell you: boil fresh water everytime u make Kai's milk (if he still drinks formula). Don't leave the water to cool and use. Dunno if you noticed, sediment appears in the water after you leave it for a while! it can be quite "scary". i mixed the freshly boiled water with mineral water to make formula milk.


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