Saturday, August 02, 2008

Of farewells and friendship

I found out last friday that a friend from yoga class passed away about a month ago from stomach cancer. She was around my age, and I remembered she had wanted to start a business selling bags. I lent her my HK guide and she bought me this bauble ring as a thank you gift. It isn't quite my style, but I never threw it away. I don't know why. I suppose it is something to remind me of her.

I remembered our last conversation as awkward. She looked tired, pale, and wasn't chatty. It was a strange friendship. We never talked all that much. But as yogis in Erika's class, you somehow end up sharing quite a bit of your life with fellow yogis. I wish I had a chance to tell her our friendship meant something to me.

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On the same Friday, I decided to do lunch with some girlfriends from French class. It wasn't a great day to meet; a day filled with to-dos, meetings, conference calls. But when is it ever a good time?

Over lunch, Constance told me she was moving to the US with her family on 5 Aug. Another farewell. I was sad; I wish I had known earlier. But as with anything in life and friendship, it'd never be a goodbye. Like Joy, no matter how often we say goodbye everytime she moves, our paths always meet. And everytime we meet, it always feel like we've never said goodbye.

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So Pei Kee, I'm sure I'll meet you someday again. Somehow.

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