I love writing. I knew I wanted to write for a living when I was around 10. At that time, I was tasked by my dad to write a weekly essay which my aunt would critic and grade. I should ask her if she found it a chore.
I love my job. I was an IT journalist and editor, and then I started a communications company and continued writing for big brand names in the IT industry. I still love my job although the number of people I manage has been downsized to two and one of them still wear diapers 24 x 7. I try to manage my lovely husband's life, but he seems to be doing pretty well on his own.
I still write professionally, and I love that part of my life (most of the time). I also document my personal life, which I love (most of the time) in this blog so that one day, when my boys grow up, they can come here and read all about the fantastic, good, and not so good moments of their childhood.