Friday, January 14, 2011

Here's looking at you kid

The inevitable has happened; though it happened earlier than I expected. After spending four frigging hours in Singapore National Eye Clinic, the pediatric ophthalmologist says Kai has astigmatism. It is recommended that he wears glasses when he watches TV programs.

I grew up in the 70s where options for children's frames were limited. All my bespectacled girlfriends and I had those HUGE, oversized, dorky plastic frames that did nothing to help us through those awkward growing up years where one starts becoming more conscious of one's looks. (The irony is that the same HUGE, oversized dorky plastic frames are considered a fashion statement now by many.)

But things are so different now fashion wise for children. (Isn't that how we get kids the likes of Romeo Beckham?) He picked this red pair himself and refused to budge even when his daddy offered him other options. I am glad. He made a good decision. Fashion-wise, that is. Red accentuates his skin tone, the shape fits the frame of his face, and yada yada yada. Anyway, he must be pretty pleased with how he looks and how it sits on his nose because he's been very compliant with wearing it!

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