Saturday, December 01, 2012

On the first day of the last month of 2012, my baby...

My baby wore his first graduation gown, and bid a formal goodbye to his preschool years.

After all these years of watching other K2 children graduate, Kai and his friends are finally the ones who danced their last preschool concert, collected their certificate and farewell gift, bowed to teary eyed parents, and took silly pictures with their buddies.

As a family, we went through so much together. From worrying about how he would cope on the first day in school, toilet training him, teaching him how to feed and dress himself, feeling helpless while he has his night terror episodes, to helping him with his dyslexia. And I didn't do it alone, his teachers were with me every step of the way.

Ah, how bittersweet, sad, and happy I felt today. What a strange mix of emotions.

There are so many things I wish for him today. Happiness, good health, love, success, companionship, independence. The list goes on. Most of all, I wish he'd grow up to be a good person, someone who lives life with integrity, and for him to be happy.

I love you, Kai.

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