My black patent Dr. Martens. Mine. All mine. Finally
I have a love-hate relationship with Dr. Martens boots.

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I love them.
They were so hot in the 90s when I was studying, and the people I hang out with wore Dr. Martens. I couldn't afford Dr. Martens then.
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I 'hate' them.
I don't know what to wear them with. How do you look rocker chic without looking like a short-fart? A out of proportion carrot clomping up and down the stairs?
Then I found inspiration in this blog: Thriftstore Chic. In particular, I love how eighteeneleven pulls her outfit together.
Anymore ideas?
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Taken at the +9 Sprint/Summer '09 fashion show in Old School last year with Dr. Martens as one of the sponsors
Terence owned a pair of Dr. Martens too. He says no one laces them all the way up because it's uncomfortable. ("Hell no, cos it's cool babe," I thought. But what do I know.)
The return of the iconic boot has generated (once again) for itself quite a bit of flak over how tough and unforgiving the leather is. But I met a few more fans who swear they are the most comfortable shoes on earth.
Well, I'll find out. In good time.
Hey Khay Mun... I've been looking at Doc Martens too! I like these floral ones I saw on the Fashion Nation blog :) But I'm wondering how often I'll wear them in Singapore!
Hi there! Oh those floral ones are lovely too! Hubby said I should have picked that. But I thought the black ones would be easier to pair.
You shouldn't need to worry about how often you'd get to wear them. ;) Just get 'em. Would love to hear your thoughts on how to pair them.
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